Thursday, September 3, 2009


I didn't post anything the last few days because I was waiting to first be able to get some sort of pattern successfully accomplished. And I can say that since Sunday night I've been following this schedule with no problems: 1a.m. to 4 a.m. , 9ish , 2ish , and 7ish. I say -ish because with this schedule it's true that you get some flexibility. I still haven't been able to remember my dreams but I did wake up a couple times right before my alarm went off, (at the 20 minute mark) which means that my body is getting used to the idea of getting all the rest it needs in 20 minute chunks, no more than that. I still use an alarm though, and I think I will continue to use it b/c I don't wanna risk oversleeping :)

One thing that I find incredible is that as soon as I wake up (to the smell of freshly made coffee, I've set up my coffee maker to start 5 minutes before I get up) I grab my book, start reading and taking notes, and by the time I get to class I have all the information clearly stored in my head and I know I'm all over whatever my professor's saying. Which means my memory skills have actually improved. When I first started reading about polyphasic sleep I noticed a lot of people complaining about their short-term memory taking a nasty dive. Apparently, this is not happening to me and I hope it never does.

So for now, I can say : Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyy! I am awake for 20 hours everyday!!!!

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